How to Calculate College Grade?

Written by Monira Akter Munny

Reviewed by Md. Ashakul Islam Sowad

Last Updated: 19 September 2024

Calculating your college GPA can be simplified using our  Online Grade Calculator. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it effectively:

Steps to Calculate College Grade

1. Select Your Grade Format

Begin by choosing the “Grade Input Type”. Toggle the “Weighted GPA” option, if the semester grades are provided considering each course's weight.

Select the input type and toggle the "Weighted GPA" button.

This calculator takes the "Letter Grade" values as your grade format. Letter grades typically range from A+ to F, and each corresponds to a numerical value on a 4.0 scale. For instance, an A is equivalent to a 4.0, a B is a 3.0, and so on. If necessary, you can also customize the grade range values using the side table provided in the calculator interface.

Choose or customize the grading system.

2. Enter Course Details

For each course, you need to input the following details:

  • Course Name: Enter the name or code of the course.

  • Grade: Input your letter grade for the course (e.g., A, B+, C).

  • Credits: Enter the number of credits the course is worth. If you are unsure, use the default value of 1.

  • Course Type/Weight: Select the type of course. This could be Regular, AP (Advanced Placement), Honors, etc.

Enter necessary informations.

Understand Course Weightings:

The grade calculator allows for different weightings based on course type:

  • Regular Classes: These are graded on a standard 4.0 scale (A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0).

  • Honors Courses: These typically add 0.5 points to the standard grade. For example, a B in an Honors course would be worth 3.5 points instead of 3.0.

  • AP/IB Courses: These add 1.0 point to the standard grade. Thus, an A in an AP course would be worth 5.0 points instead of 4.0.

3. Add More Courses

If you have more courses to add, click on the "Add new row" button. This will allow you to enter additional courses, ensuring all your classes are accounted for in the GPA calculation.

Click on 'Add new row' to insert more rows.

4. Add Previous CGPA and Previous Credits [Optional]

If you have a previous cumulative GPA and the number of credits earned so far, input these values. The calculator will combine your new GPA data with the previous cumulative GPA to provide an updated cumulative GPA.

Enter Previous CGPA & credits.

5. Check Your Calculated GPA

After entering all necessary information, your cumulative GPA will be calculated and displayed. The calculator takes into account the course credits and weightings (if using Weighted GPA) to provide an accurate GPA.

Check the calculated GPA.


Let’s say you are entering grades for your first semester with the following details:

  • Course 1: Calculus, Grade: A, Credits: 4, Type: AP

  • Course 2: History, Grade: B+, Credits: 3, Type: Honors

  • Course 3: English, Grade: A-, Credits: 3, Type: Regular

  • Course 4: Biology, Grade: B, Credits: 4, Type: Regular

  • Course 5: Art, Grade: A, Credits: 2, Type: Regular

After entering these details into the calculator:

  • Calculus: A in AP = 5.0 (4.0 + 1.0), Credits = 4

  • History: B+ in Honors = 3.8 (3.3 + 0.5), Credits = 3

  • English: A- in Regular = 3.7, Credits = 3

  • Biology: B in Regular = 3.0, Credits = 4

  • Art: A in Regular = 4.0, Credits = 2

The calculator will then compute the weighted GPA based on these entries.


Using a college grade calculator simplifies the process of tracking your academic performance. By inputting your course grades, credits, and types, you can accurately determine your GPA, helping you stay on top of your academic goals. Whether you’re calculating for one semester or multiple, this tool ensures you have a clear understanding of where you stand academically.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I know how many credits a course is worth?

Course credits are usually listed on your class syllabus or can be found through your school's academic portal. If you are unsure, the calculator defaults to 1 credit, but it’s best to use the actual credit value for accuracy.

Can I customize the grade ranges in the calculator?

Yes, you can customize the grade ranges using the side table provided in the calculator. This allows you to match the grading system used by your specific institution.

What should I do if I have a unique course type not listed in the calculator?

The high school grade calculator allows for customization of course types. If your course type is unique, select the closest equivalent or manually adjust the weighting according to your institution's policies.

How do Honors and AP/IB courses affect my GPA?

  • Honors Courses: Typically add 0.5 points to your grade. For example, a B (3.0) in an Honors course would be calculated as 3.5.

AP/IB Courses: Add 1.0 point to your grade. For example, an A (4.0) in an AP course would be calculated as 5.0.

Can this calculator be used for high school GPA calculations?

Yes, while this guide focuses on college GPA calculations, the same principles apply to high school GPA calculations. Ensure you input the correct grade format and course types as per your high school’s grading system.