GPA Calculator | Fully Customizable | Print & Save Grades

The GPA calculator calculates GPA using grades and credits, supports both letter and percentage grades, and computes weighted & cumulative GPAs for you.






Required GPA Calculator

Find the minimum GPA you will require to achieve a target GPA.

Required Final GPA:

What is a GPA Calculator?

A GPA (Grade Point Average) Calculator is a tool designed to compute the average performance of a student across their courses, expressed as a numerical value. This calculator allows users to input course grades and credits, supporting letter, and percentage grades. It calculates the final GPA and weighted GPA for letter grades, and it can calculate the minimum required GPA to meet the target GPA.

How to Use GPA Calculator?

To use the GPA calculator effectively, follow these step-by-step instructions based on the features provided:

Input Options

Step 1. Open the GPA Calculator

Select the grading range from a dropdown menu (choose grading system) or enter it in a text field (customize the table).

Step 2. Enter Course Information

a. Input the course name (optional).
b. For each course, enter the letter grade or percentage grade received.
c. Input the number of credits each course is worth.

Step 3. Grade Types

a. Select the letter grade option if your grades are in letters, using the default conversion scale (e.g., A = 4.0).
b. Select the percentage grade option if your grades are in percentages, setting the appropriate ranges for each letter grade.

Step 4. Weighted GPA Calculation (if applicable)

Ensure the "Weighted GPA" toggle is on for honors or AP courses. This allows different weightings (e.g., A in an AP course might be 5.0).

Step 5. Previous Cumulative GPA (if applicable)

Input your previous cumulative GPA and the number of credits earned so far.

Step 6. View Calculated GPA

As you enter all the information, it automatically calculates and displays your grades

Display and User Interaction

1. Add a Row

Click 'Add a Row' to include additional courses if needed.

2. Final Grade Display

The calculated GPA will be displayed once all required fields are entered.

3. Reset Button

Click 'Reset' to clear all inputs and start a new calculation.

Now, to understand how this calculator calculates GPA (letter (both weighted & unweighted), percentage, cumulative) read the following section, where each of the GPA types is described & calculated with some practical data:

What Are the Types of GPA?

There are various types of GPAs, some of them are discussed below:

  • Weighted GPA: Factors in the difficulty of courses by assigning higher weights to harder classes.
  • Unweighted GPA: Treats all classes equally regardless of difficulty.
  • Cumulative GPA: The GPA considering all courses taken throughout one"s academic career.
  • Semester GPA: The GPA for a specific academic term or semester.
  • Overall GPA: The GPA considering all courses taken, including those outside the major.

Different Grading Systems

There are several grading systems commonly used in education:

1. Letter Grade

A grading system using letters (e.g., A, B, C, D, F) to represent the quality of a student's work. It is a fundamental method for assessing student performance. Students receive letter grades corresponding to their performance ranges, which also relate to GPA values on a 4.0 scale:

  • A (90-100%, GPA 4.0): Excellent
  • B (80-89%, GPA 3.0 - 3.9): Good
  • C (70-79%, GPA 2.0 - 2.9): Satisfactory
  • D (60-69%, GPA 1.0 - 1.9): Needs Improvement
  • F (0-59%, GPA 0.0): Fail

Anyway, the specific ranges and values can vary by institution. Understanding your institution's grading scale is important for accurately interpreting academic performance.

A. Unweighted Letter Grade

The unweighted letter grade system is a standard method for assessing student performance, where each course contributes equally to the overall GPA regardless of its difficulty.

How does it work? Well, in the unweighted grading system, all courses are graded on the same 4.0 scale, without considering the course level (regular, honors, AP, etc.).

How to Calculate Unweighted Letter Grade GPA?
To calculate your unweighted letter grade GPA, use the following formula:

GPALetter-unweighted = (G1 × C1 + G2 × C2 + G3 × C3) (C1 + C2 + C3)


  • Grades = G1, G2, G3
  • Credits = C1, C2, C3
Steps to Calculate Unweighted Letter Grades GPA

  1. Multiply each grade by its corresponding credit.
  2. Sum the results from step 1.
  3. Sum the credits.
  4. Divide the sum from step 2 by the sum from step 3.

Practical Example to Calculate Unweighted Letter Grades GPA

For example, to find the GPA for these courses:


First, convert grades to the 4.0 scale point values:

  • Maths: A = 4.0
  • Chemistry: A+ = 4.0
  • Physics: B+ = 3.3
  • Biology: B- = 2.7

Then, multiply grades by credits and sum them up:

[ (4 × 4.0) + (3 × 4.0) + (3 × 3.3) + (2 × 2.7) = 40.3]

Next, apply the formula:

GPALetter-unweighted = 40.3 (4 + 3 + 3 + 2) = 40.3 12 ≈ 3.358

B. Weighted Letter Grade

The weighted letter grade system takes into account the difficulty of the courses, offering a more nuanced measure of student performance by adding extra points for more challenging classes.

How does it work? Well, in a weighted grading system, different types of courses have different impacts on GPA. Typically, advanced courses such as Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and College Prep courses add extra points to the GPA:

  • Regular Courses: Standard grading scale.
  • Honors Courses: Usually add 0.5 points to the grade.
  • AP/IB/College Prep Courses: Typically add 1 point to the grade.

How to Calculate Weighted Letter Grade GPA?
To calculate your weighted letter grade GPA, use the following formula:

GPALetter-weighted = (G1 × C1 + G2 × C2 + G3 × C3)(C1 + C2 + C3)


  • Weighted Grades = G1, G2, G3
  • Credits = C1, C2, C3

Weights refer to the relative importance or contribution of each assignment or exam toward the overall grade in the course.

Steps to Calculate Weighted Letter Grades GPA

  1. Convert Letter Grades to Grade Points. Use the standard scale (e.g., A = 4.0, B = 3.0, etc.).
  2. Add Weight for Advanced Courses:
    • Honors courses: Add 0.5 points.
    • AP/IB courses: Add 1.0 points.
  3. Multiply Grade Points by Course Credits.

  4. Weighted Grade Points = Grade Points × Course Credits

  5. Add all the weighted grade points from each course.
  6. Sum the Course Credits.
  7. Finally, calculate the Weighted GPA.

Practical Example to Calculate Weighted Letter Grades GPA

Suppose you received the following grades:

CourseGradeCourse TypeWeighted Grade PointCredits
MathsAHonors (+0.5)4.5 (4.0 + 0.5)3
EnglishA-AP (+1)4.7 (3.7 + 1)5

Now, apply the formula:

GPALetter-weighted = (4.5 × 3) + (2.3 × 3) + (3.0 × 4) + (4.7 × 5) (3 + 3 + 4 + 5) = 55.9 15 ≈ 3.72

Finally, translating 3.72 back to a letter grade, we get an A-.

2. Percentage Grade

A percentage grading system is a common method to assess student performance by measuring the percentage of correct answers, completed assignments, or overall performance relative to the total possible score. Here are typical percentage ranges and corresponding letter grades:

  • 90 − 100% (A 4.0)
  • 80 − 89% (B 3.0)
  • 70 − 79% (C 2.0)
  • 60 − 69% (D 1.0)

How to Calculate Percentage Grade GPA?
To calculate your percentage grade GPA, use the following formula:

GPAPercentage = (G1 × C1 + G2 × C2 + G3 × C3) (C1 + C2 + C3)


  • G represents the percentage grade for each assignment or exam.
  • C represents the number of credits for each assignment or exam.

Steps to Calculate Percentage Grades GPA

  1. Convert grades from percentages to decimals. (if they are not already in decimal form).
  2. Multiply each grade by its corresponding credit.
  3. Sum the results from step 2.
  4. Sum the credits.
  5. Divide the sum from step 3 by the sum from step 4.

Practical Example to Calculate Percentage Grades GPA

Assume you're finishing a course with the following grades:

Midterm Exam92%4
Final Exam87%3

Now, apply the formula:

GPAPercentage = ((93 / 100) × 3 + (92 / 100) × 4 + (87 / 100) × 3) ( 3 + 4 + 3) = 9.081.00 = 9.08

So, the final grade is 90.8%, which corresponds to an A- in a letter grade.

How to Convert to GPA from Different Grading Systems?

In the US, most schools use a 4.0 GPA scale. Here's a typical letter & percentage grade to GPA conversion:

Letter GradePercentage RangeGPA 4.0 Scale

Some schools award 4.3 for an A+, allowing for a GPA higher than 4.0. The percentages and scales may vary, so check your school's guidelines.

How to Calculate GPA?

To calculate the GPA, you would:

  1. Convert each grade into its numerical equivalent.
  2. Multiply each grade by the number of credits (or weight) of the course.
  3. Sum these values.
  4. Divide by the total number of credits (or weights).

So, to calculate your GPA, use this formula:

GPA = (g1 × c1) + (g2 × c2) + (g3 × c3) + ...(c1 + c2 + c3 + ...)

  • Grades = g1, g2, g3…
  • Credits = c1, c2, c3...

Now, let’s explore more in the following section how different GPAs are being calculated:

High School GPA

GPA (Grade Point Average) is a key measure of academic performance used in most U.S. high schools, typically on a 4.0 scale.

Here’s how to calculate your high school GPA:

  1. Unweighted GPA:

The formula to calculate the unweighted grades is:

GPAunweighted = ∑ GPE ∑ Courses

Example Unweighted High School GPA Calculation:

CourseGradeGrade Point Equivalent(GPE)

Now, let’s add the values to the formula & calculate the GPA:

GPAunweighted = (4.0 + 2.3 + 3 + 3.7) 4 =134 = 3.25

  1. 2. Weighted GPA:
The formula to calculate the weighted grades is:

GPAweighted = ∑ GPE ∑ Courses
Example Weighted High School GPA Calculation:
CourseGradeCourse TypeWeighted Grade Point Equivalent (WGPE)
MathsAHonors (+0.5)4.5 (4.0+0.5)
EnglishA-AP(+1)4.7 (3.7+1)

Now, let’s add the values to the formula & calculate the GPA:

GPAweighted = (4.0 + 2.3 + 3 + 3.7) 4 = 134 = 3.25

College GPA

Similar to high school, most U.S. colleges also use a 4.0 GPA scale for GPA.

Here’s how to calculate your college GPA:

To calculate your GPA use the following formula:

GPA =∑ (grade value × credit points) ∑ credit points

This formula is the sum of weighted grades divided by total credit points.

Example Calculation:

Suppose you have the following courses and grades:

CourseCreditsGradeEquivalent GPA Value

Now, let’s add the values to the formula & calculate the GPA:

GPA =(3 × 4.0) + (4 × 3.3) + (2 × 2.0) + (2 × 2.7) (3+ 4 + 2 + 2) = 34.6 11 ≈ 3.15

Thus, your GPA is approximately 3.15.

Cumulative GPA

A cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) includes all of the grade points earned across all terms and is weighted by the number of credits each course is worth. Here’s a detailed breakdown, including a practical example using the data from the image.

Formula for Calculating Cumulative GPA:

Cumulative GPA = ∑ (Current Quality Points) + (Previous GPA × Previous Credits) ∑ (Current Credits) + Previous Credits

  • G1, G2, and G3 are the grade points for the current courses.
  • C1, C2, C3 are the credits for the current courses.
  • Gp is the previous cumulative GPA.
  • Cp is the previous credits.

Practical Example of Calculation of Cumulative GPA (Letter):

Let’s use the following data and the upper formula to calculate the cumulative GPA practically:

Current CourseLetter GradeEquivalent Grade PointCredits

Previous Cumulative GPA: 3.5
Previous Credits: 20

Step-by-Step Calculation:

  • Calculate Quality Points:
    1. a. E120: 4.0 × 3 = 12.0
    2. b. IPE101: 3.7 × 4 = 14.8
    3. c. ME101: 3.3 × 3 = 9.9
    4. d. Previous: 3.5 × 20 = 70.0
  • The sum of Quality Points and Credits:
    1. a. Total Quality Points = 12.0 + 14.8 + 9.9 + 70.0 = 106.7
    2. b. Total Credits = 3 + 4 + 3 + 20 = 30
  • Calculate Cumulative GPA:
    1. Cumulative Letter GPA = 106.7 / 30 ≈ 3.56

Thus, the cumulative GPA is approximately 3.56.

Practical Example of Calculation of Cumulative GPA (Percentage):

Let’s use the following data and the upper formula to calculate the cumulative GPA practically:

Current CourseLetter GradeEquivalent Grade PointCredits

Previous Cumulative GPA: 3.5
Previous Credits: 20

By adding these values to the formula like before:
Cumulative Percentage GPA = (4.0 × 3 + 3.7 × 4 + 3.3 × 3) + (3.5 × 20) (3 + 4 + 3 + 20) = 106.730 ≈ 3.56
Thus, the cumulative GPA is approximately 3.56.

How to Use Required GPA Calculator?

The "Required GPA Calculator" helps students determine the GPA they need in their upcoming courses to achieve their target GPA. This calculation is useful for setting academic goals and planning the necessary effort to meet those goals. Here’s how to use the calculator:

  • Enter Current GPA: Input your current GPA.
  • Enter Target GPA: Input your desired GPA.
  • Completed Credits: Input total credits completed.
  • Remaining Credits: Input total credits remaining.
  • Calculate: Click "Required Final GPA" to see the GPA you need for your remaining courses.
  • Reset: Click "Reset" to clear fields and start over.

Now, to understand how this calculator calculates the required GPA, see the following section, where the GPA is calculated with some practical data:

How to Calculate the Required GPA?

  • 1. Identify Current GPA, Target GPA, Current Credits, and Additional Credits:
    • Current GPA: The GPA you have up to this point.
    • Target GPA: The GPA you aim to achieve.
    • Current Credits: The total number of credits you have completed so far.
    • Additional Credits: The number of credits you plan to complete in the future.
  • 2. Apply the Required GPA Formula:
  • GPANeeded = [{Target GPA × (Current Credits + Additional Credits)}- (Current GPA × Current Credits)] / Additional Credits

  • 3. Calculate the Required GPA: Input the values into the formula to determine the GPA you need in your upcoming courses.

Example Calculation

Let’s use the following data for an example calculation:

  • Current GPA: 3.5
  • Target GPA: 3.7
  • Current Credits: 20
  • Additional Credits: 26

Now, put these values into the formula:

GPA Needed=(3.7 × (20 + 26)) - (3.5 × 20) 26 = 100.226 ≈ 3.85

Thus, the GPA needed in the additional 26 credits to achieve the target GPA of 3.7 is approximately 3.85.

Benefits of Using the GPA Calculator

A GPA calculator can simplify these processes by doing your GPA calculations instantly. As it provides:

  • Convenience: Saves time and effort compared to manual calculations.
  • Accuracy: Reduces the risk of errors in calculations.
  • Flexibility: Can handle various grading systems and GPA types.
  • Customization: Allows for weighted GPA calculations and cumulative GPA calculations.


In conclusion, understanding GPA and using a GPA calculator can be helpful for students to track their academic progress, identify areas for improvement, and set goals for future semesters. Remember to consult your school's specific policies for the most accurate GPA calculations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why GPA is important?

Though GPA is a standard measure, it can differ slightly between institutions. It's widely used by academic institutions and employers to assess and compare student performance. GPA plays a crucial role in:

  • Scholarship awards and merit-based financial aid.

  • Graduation honors and awards.

  • Job interviews and admission decisions.

How to calculate a GPA?

GPA is typically calculated using a formula that involves converting grades to numerical values and then averaging them. Here's a simplified version of the process:

  1. Convert Grades: Each grade is converted to its numerical equivalent based on the grading scale used.

  2. Multiply Grades by Credits: Multiply each numerical grade by the number of credits or units for the corresponding course.

  3. Calculate Total Grade Points: Sum up all the grade points earned across all courses.

  4. Divide by Total Credits: Divide the total grade points by the total number of credits to get the GPA.

Where can I find a GPA calculator?

There are several online GPA calculators available that can help you quickly determine your GPA based on the grades you've earned in your courses. For example, our online GPA calculator.

How does the GPA calculator work?

The GPA calculator allows users to input their course grades and credits, supporting both letter and percentage grades. It then calculates the final GPA and can also compute weighted GPAs for letter grades and cumulative GPAs based on previous GPAs and credits.

Where can I learn more about different grading systems and GPA conversion?

For information on different grading systems and GPA conversions, you can refer to educational resources, including:

  • Your school's academic guidelines and policies.

  • Online resources like educational websites and forums.

  • GPA conversion charts provided by academic institutions.

What if my school uses a different grading scale?

The letter grade GPA calculator allows you to customize the grading scale by entering the corresponding percentage ranges for each letter grade. Check the customization table on the right side of the calculator.

Can I use this calculator for weighted GPA calculations?

Yes, just make sure the "Weighted GPA" toggle switch is on. This ensures you are calculating a weighted GPA.

What is a Letter Grade for 75%?

A 75% typically translates to a C, which is a passing grade. Generally, a C ranges from 70% to 79%. Some schools further break it down with pluses and minuses:

  • C-: 70-72%

  • C: 73-76%

  • C+: 77-79%

How to calculate a weighted GPA?

To calculate a weighted GPA, follow the below steps:

  1. Convert letter grades to numerical values.

  2. Multiply grade points by credit hours.

  3. Add Weight for Advanced Courses:

  4. Sum the weighted grade points.

  5. Sum the total credit hours.

  6. Divide weighted grade points by total credit hours. 

This will give you your weighted GPA.