French Grading System

Written by Monira Akter Munny

Reviewed by Md. Ashakul Islam Sowad

Last Updated: 19 September 2024

The French grading scale ranges from 0 to 20. To pass a subject, students typically need to score at least 10 points. Passing is determined by the average of a student's grades, with an average of at least 10 required by the end of each academic year. You can utilize the Online Grade Calculator which will assist you in calculating your grades based on your grading system.

In France, the grading system can vary slightly depending on the level of education (primary, secondary, or tertiary) and the specific institution. Here's a general overview:

Primary Education (École Primaire):

  • Grades are typically based on a scale of 0 to 10.

  • Marks below 5 are considered as "fail."

  • 10 is the highest possible grade.

Secondary Education (Collège and Lycée):

Grades are also usually based on a scale of 0 to 20. 10/20 is often considered as the minimum passing grade, but this can vary. The grades are as follows:




Fail (Insufficient)


Passable (Passable)


Satisfactory (Assez Bien)


Fairly Good (Bien)


Good (Très Bien)


Very Good (Excellent)


Excellent (Très Excellent)

Higher Education (Université):

The grading system can vary more widely and may include additional symbols or descriptors. The ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) grading scale is often used, which ranges from A to F with corresponding numerical values. For example:















Some institutions may use a numerical scale similar to secondary education, ranging from 0 to 20.

Comparing French and US Grading Systems

Understanding how the French grading system aligns with other systems, such as the US, provides insight into its standards and expectations:

Based On

US Grading System

French Grading System


0 to 20 scale.

A to F letter grades.


Based on the percentage of correct answers.

Based on performance on various assessments and criteria, not solely on percentage.


A (Excellent): 90-100%

17-20 (Très bien): Mastery of all topics.

B (Good): 80-89%

14-16 (Bien): Knowledge of all main topics and most additional questions.

C (Satisfactory): 70-79%

11-13 (Assez bien): Knowledge of two out of three topics.

D (Poor): 60-69%

8-10 (Passable): Below average performance.

F (Fail): Below 60%

0-7 (Insuffisant): Poor performance.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an A+ in France?

In the French grading system, which uses a 20-point scale, an "A+" equivalent is typically represented by grades between 18 and 20. These grades signify excellent or outstanding performance.

Is 15 a good grade in France?

Yes, a grade of 15 out of 20 is considered good in the French educational system. It generally corresponds to "Bien" (Good), indicating a performance that is above average.

What are the grades in the French system?

The French grading system is on a scale from 0-20. Here’s a general breakdown:

  • 16-20: Very good (Très bien)

  • 14-15.9: Good (Bien)

  • 12-13.9: Satisfactory (Assez bien)

  • 10-11.9: Sufficient (Passable)

  • 0-9.9: Insufficient (Ajourné)

Does France use GPA?

The French educational system does not traditionally use the GPA system. Instead, it uses a numerical grading scale that ranges from 0 to 20. However, some institutions may use the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for international students.

What is a failing grade in France?

 In the French grading system, any grade lower than 10 is considered a failing grade.

What is grade 7 in France?

In France, Grade 7 is called "Cinquième" (5ème), which translates to "Fifth." This naming convention is based on the number of years remaining until the final year of lycée (high school), which is "Terminale."