1. Final Grade Calculation from Current Grades
Jane is a college student taking a calculus course. Her current grade in the course is 85%. She aims to achieve a final grade of 90%. The final exam for the course is worth 60% of the overall grade.
To determine what grade Jane needs to score on the final exam to reach her target grade, use the provided steps:
- Current Grade = 85 %
- Target Grade = 90 %
- Final Exam Weight = 60 %
Grade Needed = (90 × 100) − (85 × ( 100 − 60))⁄60 %
Grade Needed=93.33 %
Therefore, Jane needs to score 93.33% on her final exam to achieve her target final grade of 90% in the course.
2. Final Grade Calculation from Multiple Current Grades
Let's say Jane is taking a biology class, and she has received the following grades so far:
- Exam 1: 90% (weight 20%)
- Exam 2: 92% (weight 30%)
- Lab Assignment: 90% (weight 20%)
She wants to achieve a final grade of 93% in the class. To calculate the required final grade, follow the provided steps:
- Current Grades = 90, 92, 90
- Weights = 20, 30, 20
- Target Grade = 93
- Total Weight = 100
- Current Total Weight = 20 + 30 + 20 = 70
- Final Exam Weight = 100 - ( 20 + 30 + 20) = 30
Current Grade=(90 × 20 ) + ( 92 × 30 ) + (90 × 20) ⁄ (20 + 30 + 20) = 90.86
Grade Needed=(93 × 100) − (90.86 × 70)⁄ 30 = 97.99
Therefore, Jane needs to score 97.99% on the final exam to get an overall grade of 93% in the biology class.
The formula can also be used to calculate a target grade based on current grades and desired overall result. Let's say Jane has received the following grades so far in your English class:
- Essay 1: B+ (weight 20%)
- Essay 2: A- (weight 20%)
- Assignment: A- (weight 20%)
Now, she wants to get an overall grade A- in the class, the final exam is worth 40% of her grade. To calculate the required final grade,
follow the provided steps:
- Current Grades = B+, A-, A-
- Weights = 20, 20, 20
- Target Grade = A-
- Current Total Weight = 20 + 20 + 20 = 60
- Final Exam Weight = 100 -(20 + 20+ 20) = 40
Current Grade =(3.33 ×20 ) + (3.67 × 20 ) + (3.67 × 20) ⁄ (20 + 20 + 20)= 3.56 (B+)
Grade Needed = {(3.67 × 100) − (3.56 × 60)} ⁄ 40= 3.84(A)
Therefore, Jane needs to score a 3.84 (A) on the final exam to get an overall A in English.
3. Final GPA Calculation
Let's say Ben’s current GPA is 3.5, and he wants it to be 3.7 after the next semester. He has already taken 20 credits, and he’ll be taking 26 more additional credits.
In order to achieve a 3.7 GPA, calculate the required final GPA using the provided steps:
- Current GPA = 3.5
- Target GPA = 3.7
- Current credits = 20
- Additional credits = 26
GPA Needed=[{3.7 × (20+26)} - {3.5 × 20}] ⁄26 = 3.85
So, Ben will need a 3.85 GPA in his additional credits to achieve a 3.7 GPA overall.