Final Grade Calculator | Fully Customizable | Print & Save

The Final Grade Calculator helps you determine the grade you need on your final exam. It supports multiple calculation methods on various grading systems.

Final Grade from Current Grade

Calculate the final grade you will require to achieve the target grade.

Required Final Grade:


Final Grade

Final Grade from Multiple Current Grades

Calculate the final grade you will require to achieve a target grade from multiple current grades.

Current Grade (%)Target Grade (%)Required Grade (%)

Final GPA Calculator

Calculate the minimum GPA you will require to achieve a target GPA.

What is Final Grade Calculator?

A Final Grade Calculator is a tool designed to help students estimate what grade they need on their final exam or assignment to achieve their desired overall course grade. This type of calculator is particularly useful for planning and setting realistic goals as the semester progresses.

How to Use the Final Grade Calculator

To use the final grade calculator, follow these easy steps:

  • First, confirm the “Final Grade Calculator” option is selected from the top of the calculator.
  • Now, you can choose among any of the three following methods to calculate your final grade:
    • From Current Grade
    • From Multiple Current Grades
    • From GPA
  • Then, select your grading system based on your country. You can choose from any of the following country-based grading systems or customize your own. Be cautious and avoid overlapping ranges while customizing.
    • a. Australian Grading System
    • b. American Grading System
    • c. British Grading System
    • d. Canadian Grading System
    • e. Indian Grading System
    • f. Chinese Grading System
    • g. Russian Grading System
  • Input parameters,
    • A. For final grade from current grade:
      • Current Grade
      • Target Grade
      • Final Exam Weight
    • B. For final grade from multiple current grades:
      Choose your desired system between “Percentage and Letter“, then enter:
      • Current grades and their respective weights.
      • Target grade and its respective weight.
    • C. For final grade from GPA:
      • Current GPA
      • Target GPA
      • Current credits
      • Additional credits
  • Your required final grade will be shown.
  • You can click on the "Reset" button to enter new values and recalculate your target grade.

Now, read the section below to learn how this calculator works. It explains the method and calculates it with real-world data.

How to Calculate Final Grade Using Different Methods

To calculate the final grade, you can use any of the following methods that match your criteria:

1. Final Grade Calculation from Current Grades

To calculate the grade needed in the final to achieve your target grade from your current grade, use this formula:


  • Current Grade = x %
  • Target Grade = y %
  • Final Exam Weight = w %

Grade Needed= (y×Total Weight)−(x×(Total Weight−w)) w

2. Final Grade Calculation from Multiple Current Grades

To calculate the grade needed in the final exam to achieve your target grade from your multiple current grades, use this formula:


  • Current Grades = G1, G2, G3, . . .
  • Weights = W1, W2, W3, . . .
  • Target Grade = Gt
  • Total Weight = Wt
  • Final Exam Weight = Wf = Wt-(w1+w2+w3)

Current Grade=(G1×W1)+(G2×W2)+(G3×W3)+… (W1+W2+W3+…)

Grade Needed= (Target Grade×Total Weight)−(Current Grade×Current Total Weight)​⁄Final Exam Weight

3. Final GPA Calculation

To calculate the GPA needed in the final exam to achieve your target GPA, use this formula:

GPA Needed = (Target GPA × (Current Credits + Additional Credits)) - (Current GPA × Current Credits) Additional Credits

Explanation of Variables:

  • Target GPA: The GPA you aim to achieve.
  • Current GPA: Your current GPA.
  • Current Credits: The number of credits you have already completed.
  • Additional Credits: The number of credits you plan to take.

Practical Examples

1. Final Grade Calculation from Current Grades

Jane is a college student taking a calculus course. Her current grade in the course is 85%. She aims to achieve a final grade of 90%. The final exam for the course is worth 60% of the overall grade.

To determine what grade Jane needs to score on the final exam to reach her target grade, use the provided steps:


  • Current Grade = 85 %
  • Target Grade = 90 %
  • Final Exam Weight = 60 %

Grade Needed = (90 × 100) − (85 × ( 100 − 60))​⁄60 %

Grade Needed=93.33 %

Therefore, Jane needs to score 93.33% on her final exam to achieve her target final grade of 90% in the course.

2. Final Grade Calculation from Multiple Current Grades

Let's say Jane is taking a biology class, and she has received the following grades so far:

  • Exam 1: 90% (weight 20%)
  • Exam 2: 92% (weight 30%)
  • Lab Assignment: 90% (weight 20%)

She wants to achieve a final grade of 93% in the class. To calculate the required final grade, follow the provided steps:


  • Current Grades = 90, 92, 90
  • Weights = 20, 30, 20
  • Target Grade = 93
  • Total Weight = 100
  • Current Total Weight = 20 + 30 + 20 = 70
  • Final Exam Weight = 100 - ( 20 + 30 + 20) = 30

Current Grade=(90 ​× 20​ ) + ( 92 × 30​ ) + (90 × 20​) (20 + 30 + 20) = 90.86

Grade Needed=(93 × 100) − (90.86 × 70)​30 = 97.99

Therefore, Jane needs to score 97.99% on the final exam to get an overall grade of 93% in the biology class.

The formula can also be used to calculate a target grade based on current grades and desired overall result. Let's say Jane has received the following grades so far in your English class:

  • Essay 1: B+ (weight 20%)
  • Essay 2: A- (weight 20%)
  • Assignment: A- (weight 20%)

Now, she wants to get an overall grade A- in the class, the final exam is worth 40% of her grade. To calculate the required final grade,

follow the provided steps:


  • Current Grades = B+, A-, A-
  • Weights = 20, 20, 20
  • Target Grade = A-
  • Current Total Weight = 20 + 20 + 20 = 60
  • Final Exam Weight = 100 -(20 + 20+ 20) = 40

Current Grade =(3.33​ ×20​ ) + (3.67​ × 20​ ) + (3.67​ × 20​) (20 + 20 + 20)= 3.56 (B+)

Grade Needed = {(3.67 × 100) − (3.56 × 60)} 40= 3.84(A)

Therefore, Jane needs to score a 3.84 (A) on the final exam to get an overall A in English.

3. Final GPA Calculation

Let's say Ben’s current GPA is 3.5, and he wants it to be 3.7 after the next semester. He has already taken 20 credits, and he’ll be taking 26 more additional credits.

In order to achieve a 3.7 GPA, calculate the required final GPA using the provided steps:


  • Current GPA = 3.5
  • Target GPA = 3.7
  • Current credits = 20
  • Additional credits = 26

GPA Needed=[{3.7 × (20+26)} - {3.5 × 20}] 26 = 3.85

So, Ben will need a 3.85 GPA in his additional credits to achieve a 3.7 GPA overall.

Beyond Grades: Knowledge vs. Scores

Grades don’t always reflect true knowledge due to practical limitations in exam design. Aim for a balance between good grades and actual understanding. The following approach will benefit you in the long run:

  • Post-Exam Steps: Focus on applying for further education or jobs. A well-crafted CV and motivation letter, along with your grades, can open doors. Our tools can help you convert and present your GPA effectively.
  • Managing Exam Stress: Exams can be stressful, but remember, no single exam decides your future. Maintaining a healthy perspective on the importance of exams can reduce anxiety and improve performance.


The Final Grade Calculator helps you determine the grade needed for your final exam, making your study time more efficient. Remember, while grades are important, they are just one part of your educational journey. Stay focused, but don't panic, there’s always another path to your goals.

Try the Final Grade Calculator now and take control of your exam preparation!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Final Grade Calculators Accurate?

Final grade calculators can be accurate if you input the correct weights and scores. It simplifies the calculation process by automating the weighted average formula, but its accuracy depends on the accuracy of the data you provide.

How do I manually calculate the final grade?

To manually calculate your final grade, follow these steps:Identify all grade components (homework, quizzes, exams, and final exam).Determine the percentage weight of each component.Multiply each component's average score by its weight.Add all the weighted scores together to get your final grade.

How can a bad final affect your grade?

The impact of a final exam on your grade depends on its weight in the overall grading scheme. If the final exam is heavily weighted (e.g., 40-50%), performing poorly can significantly lower your overall grade. Conversely, if it has a lower weight (e.g., 10-20%), the impact will be less severe.

Is failing a final exam bad?

Failing a final exam can be detrimental, especially if the exam carries significant weight in the overall grade. It can substantially lower your final grade and potentially affect your GPA. However, the exact impact depends on your performance in other components of the course and the final exam's weight.