Russian Grading System

Written by Monira Akter Munny

Reviewed by Md. Ashakul Islam Sowad

Last Updated: 19 September 2024

In Russia, the academic grading system follows a unique structure, incorporating oral examinations and a scale ranging from 2 to 5, with 5 being the highest grade and 2 being the lowest passing grade. Here's a breakdown of the grading system in Russia: 








Very good or excellent– best possible grade








Satisfactory- passing grade




Unsatisfactory- failing grade

Comparing Russian and US Grading Systems

Understanding how the Russian grading system aligns with other systems, such as the US, provides insight into its standards and expectations:

Based On

US Grading System

Russian Grading System


Written and comprehensive.

Typically oral.


Based on the percentage of correct answers.

Based on performance on randomly selected questions.


A (Excellent): 90-100%

5 (Excellent): Mastery of all topics.

B (Good): 80-89%

4 (Good): Knowledge of all main topics and most additional questions.

C (Satisfactory): 70-79%

3 (Satisfactory): Knowledge of two out of three topics.

D (Poor): 60-69%

2 (Bad): Knowledge of one or none of the topics.

F (Fail): Below 60%

1 (Very Bad): Poor performance.

Staying in School in Russia

  • Pass at least 3 out of 4 courses each semester.

  • The probability of passing each course should be around 0.5.

  • The minimum level of knowledge should correspond to a US grade of D (60% knowledge).

In Conclusion

Russian Grade 5: Equivalent to US grade A.

Russian Grade 4: Equivalent to US grade B.

Russian Grade 3: May correspond to US grade C, D, or F.

Passing a Semester in Russia: Equivalent to an average US grade of D.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a good GPA in Russia?

In Russia, they don't really use GPA (Grade Point Average) like they do in the United States. But if you want to know what's considered a good GPA in Russia, where they use a grading scale from 2 to 5, getting around a 4.0 GPA would be seen as excellent. Basically, that means consistently getting grades of "отлично" (Excellent, 5) in all your courses.

What is a passing grade in the Russian grading system?

A passing grade in Russian schools is typically considered to be 3 or higher (out of 5). 

What is Russia's failing grade?

In Russia, getting below 60% marks (≤2 on the Russian 5-point scale) is considered a failing grade.

Can students retake exams to improve their grades in the Russian education system?

Yes, in many cases, students in Russian schools and universities have the opportunity to retake exams to improve their grades. However, the specific policies regarding retakes may vary between educational institutions.