A 4.0 Grade Point Average, corresponds to an A or A+ letter grade on a 4.0 scale, which equates to 93-100% and is the “perfect” score. With the national average GPA at 3.0, a 4.0 is well above average and often the highest GPA one can achieve at many schools. To calculate your GPA according to the specific grading system, use the GPA Calculator and choose the Grading System.
4.0 on GPA Scale Chart
Now, let’s see where 4.0 GPA falls in the grade scale chart:
How Does 4.0 GPA Affect Students?
High School: A 4.0 GPA makes your college application stand out, but selective schools look at more than just GPA. To improve your chances, engage in extracurriculars, volunteer, secure strong recommendations, and prepare for standardized tests.
College Students: Having a 4.0 GPA can really boost your resume or graduate school application. But remember, it's not just about the grades! It's also important to diversify your experience by getting involved in relevant internships, taking on research projects, and securing strong recommendations.