High School Grade Calculator | Fully Customizable | Print & Save Grades

Calculate high school GPA with our High School Grade Calculator. Input grades, credits, and course types for weighted and unweighted results.



Semester GPA:
Cumulative GPA:


Cumulative GPA

What Does High School Grade Calculator Do?

The High School Grade Calculator helps students determine their cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) across multiple semesters. It can calculate both weighted and unweighted GPA based on the grades and credits of individual courses.

How to Use High School Grade Calculator?

To learn how to use the high school grade calculator, read the following steps:

Step 1. Select Your Grade Format

Choose "Letter Grade" as your grade format. Letter grades range from A+ to F on a 4.0 scale. You can also customize the range value from the side table.

Step 2. Add All Courses to Calculate Your GPA

Enter the following details for each course:

  • Course Name
  • Grade (Letter grade, e.g., A, B+, C)
  • Credits (default to 1 if unknown)
  • Course Type (Regular, AP, Honors, etc.)

Regular classes are graded on a standard scale (A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0). For Honors courses, add 0.5 points to the grade. For AP/IB courses, add 1.0 points to the grade.

Weighted GPA takes into account course credits and course type weightings. Whereas, the Unweighted GPA treats all classes equally, ignoring course credits and weightings.

Step 3. Add a Row

If needed, add more rows for adding more courses.

Step 4. Add a Semester

Click 'Add New Semester' Semester and repeat the process for entering course grades for a new semester. Each semester's GPA will be displayed on the right under the 'Semester GPA' section.

Now, to understand how this calculator calculates GPA (both weighted & unweighted) read the following section, where each of the GPA types is described & calculated with some practical data:

GPA Calculation Types

GPA (Grade Point Average) can be calculated in various ways, depending on whether or not the difficulty level of the courses is considered. There are two main types of GPA calculations in high school the Unweighted GPA and the Weighted GPA:

1. Unweighted GPA

The unweighted GPA treats all classes equally, regardless of their difficulty. Each grade is converted to a standard grade point equivalent (GPE), and the average of these points is calculated.

Example Unweighted GPA Calculation:

CourseGradeGrade Point Equivalent (GPE)

The formula to calculate the unweighted grades is:

GPA unweighted = ∑GPE∑Courses

GPA unweighted = 4.0+2.3+3+3.74 = 134 = 3.25

2. Weighted GPA

The weighted GPA takes into account the difficulty level of each course. Extra points are added to the grade points for advanced courses like AP, IB, or Honors.

Example Weighted GPA Calculation:

CourseGradeCourse TypeWeighted Grade Point Equivalent (WGPE)
MathsAHonors (+0.5)4.5 (4.0+0.5)
EnglishA-AP (+1)4.7 (3.7+1)

The formula to calculate the weighted grades is:

GPA weighted = ∑GPE∑Courses

GPA weighted = 4.5+2.3+3.0+4.714.5 = 14.54 = 3.652

Detailed GPA Calculation with Credits

In a more detailed GPA calculation, the number of credits assigned to each course is considered. This method provides a more accurate reflection of a student's performance, especially when some courses carry more weight due to their credit value:

Semester GPA Calculation

For a more accurate GPA calculation, the number of credits per course can be considered. Each grade is multiplied by the credits assigned to the course.

1st Semester Example Calculation:

CourseGradeCreditsCourse TypeGrade Point Equivalent (GPE)Weighted Grade Point Equivalent (WGPE)

Unweighted Semester GPA:

GPA unweighted = ∑GPE∑Courses

GPA unweighted = (3.67 × 2) + (3 × 4) + (3.33 × 4)2 + 4 + 4 = 7.34+12+13.3210 = 3.366 ≈ 3.37

Weighted Semester GPA:

GPA unweighted = ∑WGPE∑Courses

GPA unweighted = (4.67 × 2) + (3 × 4) + (4.33 × 4)2 + 4 + 4 = 9.34+12+17.3210 = 3.966 ≈ 3.97

2nd Semester Example Calculation:

CourseGradeCreditsCourse TypeGrade Point Equivalent (GPE)Weighted Grade Point Equivalent (WGPE)

Unweighted Semester GPA:

GPA unweighted = ∑GPE∑Courses

GPA unweighted = (4 × 3) + (3.33 × 3) + (3.67 × 4)3 + 3 + 4 = 12+9.99+14.4810 = 3.367 ≈ 3.37

Weighted Semester GPA:

GPA unweighted = ∑WGPE∑Courses

GPA unweighted = (4.5 × 3) + (3.83 × 3) + (4.67 × 4)3 + 3 + 4 = 13.5+11.49+18.6810 = 4.367 ≈ 4.4

Cumulative GPA Calculation

If you have previous GPA and credit information, you can calculate the cumulative GPA. For example:

Previous Cumulative GPA: 3.2

Previous Credits: 20

Formula :

Cumulative GPA =(Previous GPA × Previous Credits) + (Current GPA × Current Credits)Total Credits

Cumulative GPA unweighted =(3.2 × 20) + (3.366 × 10) + (3.667 × 10)20 + 10 + 10 = 64 + 33.66 + 36.6740 = 3.33325

Cumulative GPA weighted =(3.2 × 20) + (3.966 × 10) + (4.667 × 10)20 + 10 + 10 = 64 + 39.66 + 36.6740 = 3.65825


This high school grade calculator documentation provides a comprehensive guide to calculating both unweighted and weighted GPAs, including detailed examples and formulas. By following these steps, students can accurately determine their GPA based on their grades, course types, and credits.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I calculate AP/Honors High School GPA?

To calculate your weighted GPA, follow these steps:List all your current courses and the grades you received.Assign point values to your grades: Regular classes: A = 4 points, B = 3 points, C = 2 points, D = 1 point, F = 0 points. AP/Honors courses: A = 5 points, B = 4 points, C = 3 points, D = 2 points, F = 0 points.Sum all the points from your grades.Count the number of courses.Divide the total points by the number of courses to find your weighted GPA.

How do AP and Honors courses impact your overall GPA?

The AP and Honors courses can significantly boost your GPA. Regular classes assign 4 points for an A, 3 points for a B, 2 points for a C, 1 point for a D, and 0 points for an F. In AP and Honors courses, these values increase by one point for each grade level: A = 5 points, B = 4 points, C = 3 points, D = 2 points, F = 0 points. This can elevate your GPA and improve your class rank.

What is a good high school GPA?

Students should aim for a GPA of 3.3 or higher, especially if they plan to attend college. Higher GPAs are preferred by top-tier schools.

Semester GPA vs Quarter GPA – what is the main difference?

Semester GPA: Based on grades received during a 15-week semester.Quarter GPA: Based on grades received during a 10-week quarter

How do I calculate a weighted High School GPA?

Convert letter grades to points (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0).Add up all the grade points.Divide the total grade points by the number of courses.For Honors/AP classes, add the appropriate weight (0.5 or 1.0) for each semester.

How can I improve my High School GPA fast?

Take AP Classes: This can significantly boost your GPA.Summer School: Consider taking extra classes during the summer.Regular Attendance: Participate in all your classes to better understand the material.Invest in Study Time: Develop good study habits.Seek Assistance: Use tutoring and other resources to help with your studies.

How are grades calculated in high school?

For unweighted GPA, convert each letter grade to its numerical equivalent. Then, sum the numerical grades. After that, divide the sum by the number of courses.

Can a low GPA affect my academic standing or future opportunities?

Yes, a low GPA can impact eligibility for scholarships, college admissions, and job opportunities. It’s important to track and improve your GPA.

How important is a high school GPA for college admissions?

High school GPA is a key factor in college admissions, reflecting academic performance and potential for success.