Grade Calculator

This grade calculator can help you to determine your current course grade based on the weighted average. It can be used to find out percentage grades, letter grades, and point grades including cumulative GPA.



Course Grade

What is a Grade Calculator?

A Grade Calculator is a tool used to compute grades for assignments, quizzes, exams, and other academic activities. It allows users to input grades in different formats (percentage, letter grades, or points) and weights to determine overall performance in a course or subject.

What Are the Features of Our Grade Calculator?

Grade Input Types

Allows input of grades in percentage, letter, or points formats, catering to different grading systems.

Customizable Grading Systems

Enables adjustment of grading scales to fit specific educational standards and preferences.

Weighting of Tasks

Assigns different weights to tasks to reflect their importance in the overall grade calculation.

Sharing and Printing Options

Includes options to share or print calculated results for records or further use.

How to Use the Grade Calculator?

Step 1: Select Grade Input Type

At the top of the calculator, select the type of input you will be using for your grades. You can choose between Percentage, Letter, or Points.

Step 2: Enter Task, Grades, & Weights

In the 'Task' column, enter task's name. In the 'Grade' column, input your grade. In the 'Weight' column, specify weight as a percentage.

Step 3: Add New Rows (if needed)

If you have more tasks to add, click the '+ Add new row' button to create additional rows for entering more tasks.

Step 4: View Calculated Grade

Once you have entered all tasks, grades, and weights, it automatically computes your grade and displays it.

Step 5: Reset (if needed)

If you need to clear the entries and start over, click the 'Reset' button to clear all input fields.

Step 6: Get Your Grade Sheet

Click on the 'Get Your Grade Sheet' button to generate grade sheet for your records. Click the 'Share' button to share your grade results.

Practical Example

To illustrate how to use the grade calculator, let's consider the following example with tasks, grades, and their respective weights.

Final Exam80%50%

Grade(%) = (85 × 20 + 90 × 30 + 80 × 50) / (20 + 30 + 50)

Grade(%) = 1700 + 2700 + 4000 / 100

Grade(%) = 8400 / 100

Grade(%) = 84%

So, the cumulative grade percentage is 84%.

Benefits of Using the Grade Calculator

  • Accuracy: Ensures precise calculation of grades based on input data.
  • Efficiency: Saves time by automating the grade calculation process.
  • Flexibility: Supports different grading systems and input types.
  • Transparency: Helps students and parents understand how grades are computed.
  • Planning: Assists students in planning their studies and tracking their progress.

Tips to Improve your Grades

  • Organize your time to maximize your efforts.
  • Attend classes regularly to reduce study time at home.
  • Focus extra time on difficult subjects.
  • Minimize distractions by limiting social media and TV.
  • Optimize your study style by finding what works best for you, such as using graphs, videos, or verbal explanations.
  • Seek help from friends or consider hiring a tutor if needed.


This grade calculator may impact students and educators, offering an easy and efficient way to track academic performance. Users can quickly obtain their cumulative grades, understand their academic standing, and make informed decisions about them by inputting grades and their corresponding weights.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I select the appropriate grading system?

You can choose from the predefined grading system or customize the table to fit your institution’s specific grading criteria.

Can I calculate grades for multiple courses?

Yes, you can input multiple tasks for each course, and the calculator will compute the overall grade or GPA

Is it possible to save or share my results?

Yes, the calculator allows printing or sharing your results directly from the interface

What if my grading system is different from the options provided?

You can customize the grading table according to your unique grading system by selecting the Customize Table option.

How accurate is the calculator?

The calculator uses standard mathematical formulas to ensure accurate grade computations. However, double-checking the input data for accuracy is always recommended.

Can I use the calculator for weighted grades?

Yes, the calculator is designed to handle weighted grades. You simply need to input the correct weights for each task.

What devices can I use for the grade calculator?

The grade calculator is web-based and can be accessed on various devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones.